Interview with DialKashmir App Developer – Mehvish Mushtaq
Kashmir is one of the very popular visited destination in India. But recently, it’s in news for a IT innovation in the state of Kashmir. How often do you see Femalein Kashmir step out to zeal in field of IT? One such attempt “DialKashmir”.
“DialKashmir” is a wonderful app that binds all the contacts of Kashmir, when you land in kashmir. Aimed to provide information about locations,departments,NGO’s,Newspapers,Police,Public utilities and many more. It provides users with extensive information like addresses, phone numbers and email id of various essential services in various sectors in Kashmir.
On an interview with Ms. Mehvish Mushtaq; who is the first female Kashmiri to develop an Android app claims that the application has witnessed an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 with a thousand plus downloads on Google Play. ‘Dial Kashmir’ has over 500 contacts of government and private departments — a one stop source for ‘essential information’.
Mehvish who holds a Bachelors (B.E.) in Computer Science is so delighted that she even answered us some very intricate question about her and about the app :
Dial Kashmir involved hardship including the learning android course online. How did you tackle that?
Dial Kashmir happened while I was doing the Android course.The good thing about Android courses is they have negligible hardships. All one needs is laptop/desktop and a desire to learn.
Gathering data for the app would have been intense task. How did Government of Kashmir help you? Did you have any blockades on the way ?
When I was developing this app ,hardly anyone knew of this app , I was helped by my friends and family in the data gathering process.This process was the hardest part as it was pretty hectic.
Single Woman Power and Brain behind this app. So what was your inspiration?
When I did the Android course , I wanted to develop an App that was useful .I’m not sure if its an inspiration but what motivated me was the need of an App exclusively for Kashmir .The fact that whenever someone needed a contact number the process that followed was not so easy ,sometimes the official sites were broken and sometimes you couldn’t find the number at all .All this motivated me to make an App like this.
Din't you think including some more members in development?
No, I didn’t have a team or anything .I did an android course and that was followed by this application.
As a app developer in Android What part of android development you think is hardest in the project?
I’d say the hardest part is designing because after doing a lot of technical work , getting in touch with your creative side gets difficult.Besides,you have to make sure your design is such that is at least liked,if not loved,by the masses.
First women Android Developer in Kashmir, how does it feel?
So do people 'Dial Kashmir?' What more people can expect in near future?
The way people are “dialing” it has been overwhelming .I’m getting a great response .People are really appreciating my work and in fact asking me to develop Apps for their states . I didn’t know Dial Kashmir would be so popular,I’m getting mails from all over the country .It feels so good to see my efforts being appreciated so much.
{ Humour Question} Proud Women App Developer or Proud Android Developer From Kashmir - What do we call you? :)
I would say ‘Android Girl from Kashmir and For Kashmir’
You have now set example for app developers in your state and for the country. Any words of advice for women across India in field in app development?
My advice would be don’t let your being a woman let you feel that being a “Techy” is a guy thing .If you have an idea , do your best to turn it into reality ..and as I say , “Dream Big ,Start Small ,But At least Start.

This app is targeted at the local population as well as the tourists who are abundant in Kashmir which is purely exclusive and just different. Hit the button below to “Dialkashmir” right away. You could also stay connected with updates via Facebook
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